Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Revolutionary Leadership in Russian Revolution and the Arab Spring Essay
Progressive Leadership in Russian Revolution and the Arab Spring - Essay Example To begin with, the general unpredictability of the given cases is the purpose behind drawing on their likenesses and contrasts. Indeed, it isn't on the right track to appreciate all the three transformations in Egypt, Libya, and Tunisia as a general wonder. In addition, it is difficult to appreciate a general procedure of the Russian upset in a sketch as well. Therefore, it is important to decide the key authority and the beginning states of these four nations so as to give any correlation between them. From one perspective, Anderson (2011) accepts that Arab nations are distinctive among all regarding their financial ground and social texture. At the end of the day, by alluding to the Arab Spring nations we consider three diverse in their inward condition states (Tunisia, Egypt, and Libya). For example, the primary powers for change in Tunisia were the neighborhood worker's guild (UGTT), legal counselors, and writers; yet in Egypt, the insurgency was going by connected to the politic al resistance the April 6 Movement. Thus, the authority of the Arab Spring isn't the equivalent as far as solid characters as well as in the social foundation of these powers. Besides, the key issues that urged these nations to change are additionally not the equivalent. In the days winning the transformation, Tunisia was a visitor situated and amazing. Indeed, the insurgency in this nation developed as a reaction to the way â€Å"the Ben Ali family ravaged the economy and curbed every single self-sufficient endeavor at political expressions†.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
AIDS symtoms essays
Helps symtoms papers The manifestations of AIDS are fundamentally the consequence of contaminations that don't ordinarily create in individuals with solid invulnerable frameworks. These contaminations are named astute diseases. Patients with AIDS have had their safe framework devastated by HIV and are powerless to such astute diseases. The general manifestations are fevers, sweats, chills, shortcoming, and weight reduction. Some different ones are loss of vitality, weight reduction, a thick, whitish covering of the tongue or mouth that is brought about by a yeast disease and here and there joined by an irritated throat. There is likewise a simpler possibility of wounding, a continuos profound dry hack, and an expansion in loss of relax. These side effects anyway may not really imply that you have AIDS. The most ideal approach to completely be certain that you have AIDS is go see a specialist. It might simply be that you have an exceptionally awful virus. However individuals ordinarily will have HIV for a considerable length of time before they completely create AIDS so, all things considered they ought to know about it. There are anyway for primary phases of HIV/AIDS. This is the means by which individuals typically create AIDS: This is when individuals first agreement HIV/AIDS. This stage may last around three (3) months and in some uncommon cases, up to a year. Presently a procedure to create antibodies side effects of contamination. This stage may keep going for a considerable length of time. At this stage, individuals give indications and side effects of contamination. This stage may keep going for a considerable length of time also. Resistant framework cells are seriously drained. Presently the body enters all out AIDS. Now the bodys Immune System is totally annihilated. So now more maladies effortlessly spread to the person in question. Anyway youngsters get more side effects which are additionally intricacies inside them selves. A portion of these side effects are: ... <!
Thursday, August 20, 2020
Left Brain vs. Right Brain Dominance The Surprising Truth
Left Brain vs. Right Brain Dominance The Surprising Truth Psychologists and neuroscientists have been trying hard to study and investigate the supposed differences between left and right brains.There are numerous studies which prove the left brain does differ from the right brain. They both perform different functions.We carry out dozens of everyday tasks easily with the help of the left side of the brain, whereas the right side of the brain is responsible for processing something inspiring and new. The idea that one part of our brain is stronger than the other has been in existence since time immemorial.You might also have come across some people who strongly believe their left brain is more powerful than their right brain and vice versa.There are a lot of books which explain the phenomenon in detail.Similarly, you might also have watched numerous television programs in which so-called psychologists endorse this very theory.Some people go to the extent of taking personality assessment tests to determine which side of their brain is stronge r.There are many websites and articles as well, which claim to reveal your prominent brain hemisphere.As if websites were not enough, you can also read countless books so thankfully suggesting how you can train your left brain to be more logical or exhibit your hidden creativity by controlling the right side of your brain.People with strong logical and math skills are usually considered as left brain thinkers.On the other hand, you are a right brain thinker if you are a creative and imaginative person.However, you will be surprised to learn that that theory of left brain versus the right brain is only a myth just like many other popular myths you have heard about.WHAT IS LEFT BRAIN-RIGHT BRAIN THEORY?The theory of Left Brain and Right Brain Dominance is very easy to understand.According to this theory, the brains hemispheres are responsible for controlling different types of tasks and thinking.Furthermore, some people supposedly prefer to think only from one side of the brain, resul ting in a difference of opinions and ideas. Functions Associated with the Left BrainAs mentioned above, a person with a stronger left brain tends to be more logical and good at mathematics. He also has advanced objective and analytical skills.Other everyday tasks such as word building, writing, speaking and puzzles and problem-solving are also associated with this side of the brain.It also carries out important activities like criticism and reasoning. In this regard, coders and programmers are often said to be left brained people.Functions Associated with the Right BrainPeople with a stronger right brain are ingenious, creative, and inventive. They have the ability to learn new and inspiring things rather easily.Right-brained people are more imaginative.They can envision and forecast future events well in advance thanks to their visualization powers.It is often said that artists and writers are right brained because it is this part of the brain which starts processing things as soon as you conceive any idea, start writing a story or develop new characters.People with a stronger right brain take extra care of their health.They take a keen interest in music and tend to be good singers. They also have some interest in arts and crafts, dancing and meditation.THE LATERALIZATION OF BRAINIt is pertinent to mention that we use both parts of our brains equally.The left brain is not more powerful than the right brain and same is the case with the right brain.It is the lateralization of the brain which gave birth to the theory of Left and Right Brain Dominance.The brain has two hemispheres which perform a variety of different tasks.However, these hemispheres cannot work independently and depend on each other for smooth functioning. It is shocking to learn that both parts of the brain control opposite sides of the body.Both parts also communicate with each other through the corpus callosum.Therefore, the right part of the body can be partially or fully paralyzed if you su stain injuries or damage to the left hemisphere.Similarly, the damage to the right hemisphere might have an effect on the left side of the body.Neuroscientists actually managed to bunk the myth of left versus right brain theory by conducting countless researches on different types of brain injuries.Due to their hard work, we know that any damage to the left hemisphere can lead to problems such as speech impairment, maintaining coordination and understanding words.Similarly, the patient might have difficulties with learning, impulsiveness and visual perception if the right hemisphere of the brain gets injured.For example, such patients may struggle to evaluate the distance between the objects â€" some seem too near when they are far away and too far away when they are near.THE ORIGIN OF THE LEFT BRAIN-RIGHT BRAIN THEORYIt has been affirmed that both parts of the brain perform certain functions.For instance, the left brain helps us learn our native language, but it is the right brain, which enables us to understand idioms and poetry.However, the idea that people are either right brained or left brained is not based on solid grounds.In fact, the brains observation from which this theory originated were vividly overstated and inaccurate at that time.Roger Walcott Sperry, a renowned neuropsychologist, dedicated his life to find the reasons and a cure for epilepsy.He also won a Noble Prize for his discoveries and services he rendered in the field of medical science. The theory of stronger hemispheres grew out of his work.Sperry discovered that he can reduce the number and intensity of seizures by cutting the corpus callosum while studying the effects of epilepsy.Remember that corpus callosum is the structure which connects the right brain with the left brain.However, cutting the connection between the two halves of the brain resulted in patients showing some other unrelated symptoms.For examples, some patients were able to name things processed by the left hemispher e, but they were unable to recall the name of things processed by the right hemisphere.Sperry quickly jumped to the conclusion that it is the left part of the brain which controls all things language.According to Sperry, the right side of the brain is responsible for handling visual comprehension and spatial information.The left side of the brain controls different aspects of logic and language. Now, it is time to check what this theory actually suggests.The Left BrainThe scientists and the general public have a fair idea of the activities and tasks which the left brain controls.However, the scientists are still at sixes and sevens when it comes to determining the exact function of this part of the brain.But, the facts we already know are still very interesting, some of which are as under.Humans can and do accomplish numerous operations with the help of their left brain.Let us talk about learning the most important life skill that is language.You use the left side of the brain to le arn skills like learning alphabets, creating words, understanding phrases and constructing sentences.Every spoken and written aspect of all the languages is a function of the left hemisphere of the brain.For example, writing is one of the most noticeable left brain characteristics.We have also discussed that the left brain controls the right side of the body.What is even more surprising is that all the left-handed people (whose brains should supposedly behave in the opposite manner) also use their left brains when they are learning a language or writing something.It is a cardinal sin not to talk about analytical and logical thinking when you compare your left brain with the right brain.In analytical thinking, you break down a big problem into smaller issues to investigate it and find relevant solutions.But, how do you develop the solution?You develop the solution by collecting and evaluating information, formulating criticism and taking a logical approach instead of simply relying o n your intuition.In this case, the left brain makes you ask typical questions such as:What do I require to solve this problem? What evidence can I use? Should and how I can break down this complex issue into smaller and easily manageable problems?In addition, you rely on your left brain when you solve a mathematical problem or make a calculation, regardless of its difficulty level.All the mathematical skills such as subtraction, addition, division, and multiplication are the functions of the left brain.Similarly, it is the left brain, which processes all the information, data and statistics you receive from your memory.The Right BrainThe right brain performs a wide array of functions, all of which are as important and critical as that of the left brain.Visualization is one of the most vital traits of the right brain.People with damaged right brain usually have problems measuring distance or struggle with distance evaluation.The malfunctioning right brain can have adverse effects on our vision as well.We process and understand what we see including its traits and distance with the help of the brains right hemisphere.You cannot distinguish your girlfriend from your sister if your right brain fails to perform normally.This is because nature has assigned the task of face recognition to the right brain.Furthermore, the left brain is not the right choice if you want to unleash some of your creativity.However, the creative part of your right brain is not all about writing stories and developing characters.You can use it to do some math as well. It does not do calculations and analytics, but it is well equipped to do all sorts of comparisons and estimations.While learning a language is the job of the left brain, making a language more beautiful and informative is the duty of the right brain.We recognize the pitch, tone, and intonations with the help of the right brain.It also helps us understand idioms and metaphors.It is important for you to protect your right brain otherwise you will no longer be able to understand figures of speech and enjoy the beauty of any language.Another important part of the right brain processing is intuition.It is the process of making decisions instinctively without giving a matter at hand any second thought or reasoning.A person who believes in logic will deem this skill useless without realizing that he uses it many times every single day.Finally, both the left and right sides of the brain make a great pair. None can function properly without the support of the other.They collaborate with each other in terms of carrying out their duties. If one gets damaged, the performance and efficiency of the other drops significantly.IS THE THEORY FAKE OR GENUINE?The theory of brain dominance has garnered immense popularity over the years.People enthusiastically believe that one part of their brain is stronger than the other and it is the stronger part which essentially influences their personalities.Sadly, this is the most inc orrect belief you can have, to say the least.There is no concrete scientific evidence which proves that one side is stronger or more important than the other.A human cannot work properly if any part of the brain malfunctions.Smooth working of both parts of brain as well as their characteristics and activities is essential for you to survive.Any problem with the left or right brain can result in significant trouble with visualization, coordination, socialization, and thinking.There are many researchers who rejected the work of Sperry through their own work.They comprehensively proved that our brain is not as dichotomous as people normally think.One such research suggests it is necessary for both halves of the brain to work together for you to have strong mathematical skills.Similarly, scientists nowadays rightly believe that it is essential for both parts to collaborate and corporate for the normal working of the brain.Carl Zimmer, a popular science writer, wrote in one his articles published in the Discover Magazine:The pop psychology notion of a left brain and a right brain doesnt capture their intimate working relationship. The left hemisphere specializes in picking out the sounds that form words and working out the syntax of the phrase, for example, but it does not have a monopoly on language processing. The right hemisphere is more sensitive to the emotional features of the language, tuning in to the slow rhythms of speech that carry intonation and stress.Similarly, the researchers at the University of Utah conducted another study on more than 1,000 people.They tried to determine whether or not they prefer using only one side of the brain.The study finally concluded that both sides of the brain essentially acted equally during different activities despite the fact that certain critical regions displayed a higher level of activities than others.Doctor Jeff Anderson, who was the lead scientist of the study under discussion, explains the results of research i n the following words:Its absolutely true that some brain functions occur in one or the other side of the brain. Language tends to be on the left, attention more on the right. But people dont tend to have a stronger left- or right-sided brain network. It seems to be determined more connection by connection,It can be rightly said that the theory of right brain/left brain thinkers is nothing more than a myth which has already been debunked.But, the popularity of the theory still persists and there are a number of reasons why.WHY THE THEORY IS STILL SO POPULAR?Numerous studies and researches have determined that right brain/ left brain theory is just a myth. But, why the theory is still so popular?The simple answer is that the majority of people do not realize the theory is outdated.What is even more interesting is that the theory stands on solid footings in the popular culture around the globe.From online quizzes to books and articles, you come across different types of information wh ich suggest you can reveal your creativity if you manage to find out which side of your brain is stronger than the other.You need to recognize the theory has become just a point of historical interest for the scientists and psychologists.They study the theory to learn how our understanding of the brain and its functions have evolved over the decades considering the remarkable discoveries researches have made about the brain in recent years.CONCLUSIONYou can definitely develop better ways to study and learn by identifying your strengths and weaknesses.However, books, TV shows and even psychology have done nothing more than exaggerating and over popularizing the left brain/right brain theory.Remember that all the materials related to the theory, such as online quizzes are just there for fun.It has nothing to do with reality.Concluding, never ever put much stock on their results as they will distract you from your real goals and how to achieve them.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Greatest Quotes From Sex and the City
The hit TV show Sex and the City has beautifully captured the turmoil of modern women stuck in a fast paced city. When you read Sex and the City quotes, your first thought may be: Is this how life in NYC is like? Read and decide for yourself. Carrie: Everywhere I looked, people were standing in twos -- it was like Noahs Upper West Side rent-controlled Ark.Samantha: Oh sweetie, forget about him. You are gonna be on the side of a bus. 10 million men are gonna be drooling over you every morning on their way to work. Its the best personal ad Ive ever seen in my life.Carrie: Samantha has a particular knack for turning a desperate situation into a hopeless one.Carrie: Lets be honest. Sometimes there is nothing harder in life than being happy for somebody else. Like lottery winners. Or extremely successful people who are 27. And then theres that hell on earth that only your closest friends can inflict on you -- the baby shower.Carrie: When Charlotte really liked a guy, she said his whole name -- it helped her to imagine their future monogrammed towels.Miranda: Maybe its time I stopped being so angry.Carrie: Yah, but what would you do with all your free time?Samantha: Until he says I love you, youre a free agent.Carrie: What is t his? The Rules According to Samantha?Samantha: See? Im more old-fashioned than you think.Samantha: Look at his robe. So Robin and his Merry Men.Carrie: Here. Swear. Swear on Chanel.: Oh my God were gonna have to ice skate home. Hell just froze over.Carrie: I thought I had come to terms with my looks the year I turned thirty, when I realized I no longer had the energy to be completely superficial.Samantha: Normal is the halfway point between what you want and what you can get.Samantha: Heres what I think. Round up all the divorced men and keep them in a pound. That way, you get their whole history before you take one home.Miranda: I love how they say until recently, the bride worked.Carrie: Yeah, meaning she quit her job as soon as she found her soul-mate-slash-investment-banker.Charlotte: Listen to this: sometime in the ten years before menopause, you may experience symptoms including all-month long PMS, fluid retention, insomnia, depression, hot flashes or irregular periods.Carrie: On the plus side, people start to give up their seats for you on the>Carrie: Our affair, like our hotels, had gone from elegant with crystal to seedy with plastic cups.Miranda, : Why would that cheer her up? Does she look like a 22-year-old frat boy? Sex and the City Quotes Miranda: Menâ€â€wait, let me rephrase thatâ€â€some men... Jerry Jerrod Sex and the City Quotes Sex and the City Quotes
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
The Use Of Lichen And Its Effect On The Environment
Lichens are widely distributed in many different areas and can be found inhabited within harsh habitats such as dry arid hot deserts and freezing mountain tops. Environmental factors such as temperature, sun exposure levels, and the pH levels of soil influence the growth of Lichens. Their natural structure and symbiotic relationship with fungus and a photosynthetic partner has given these organisms the ability to survive such harsh and exposed environments. Their ability to absorb substances and minerals dissolved in rain and dew has also enabled Lichen to live and survive in such extreme areas, but this ability has had the effect of making them very sensitive to pollutants in the air; and therefore cannot survive in polluted areas such as the city because of automobile traffic such as cars, and industrial activity. Lichen can be found growing within soil, on the surface layer of rocks, and most commonly, they are found growing on the bark of trees (Raven et al. 2010, p. 626-627). The graph above shows that the south aspect of most of the trees in Campbelltown Campus had the greatest surface area of lichen coverage on the tree trunk, compared to the other aspects (east, north and west). The east aspect had the second highest average cell count of lichen coverage. The north and west aspects had a similar cell count which varied by a small amount, with the north aspect having the lowest amount of lichen coverage, and the west being the second lowest. The results did notShow MoreRelatedThe Effects Of Air Pollution On The Environment1198 Words  | 5 Pagesbio-indicator called a lichen. Lichens consist of two organisms, a fungi and a cyanobacteria (algae) which grow symbiotically. Lichens while they grow symbiotically their relationship of interaction can be described as mutualism. Three basic types of lichens include foliose, crustose, and fruticose. Lichens are durable and can grow in harsh environments where there is little or no soil. 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Essay2006 Words  | 9 Pages nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Poor air quality is the culprit for the consequences that are being suffered by many human and plant communities. Air pollution, smog, or acid rain; it may be called whatever you like, it is the effects that it is causing that are important. Although many people associate smog with Los Angeles, it is not the only area that has been effected by poor air quality. Many national parks, aquatic systems, and other populated areas are showing major signs of air pollutio n.Read MoreLichen Species Hang from Trees2259 Words  | 9 Pagesname for a collection of lichen species categorized in the family Parmeliaceae, which grow while hanging on tree branches and resemble greenish or green hair (Tilford, 1997). Usnea is often commonly known as Tree’s Dandruff, Tree Moss, Beard Lichen, Old Man’s Beard, and Woman’s Long Hair. Belonging to the fungus division Ascomycota, Usnea is a symbiotic combination of an algae and a fungus (Halonen, 2000). 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Even today with all our technology they continue to amaze us with their ability to inhabit places we humans could not survive, from the frozen Antarctic to the intensity of a volcanic spring, plants utilise their environments to their own advantage and evolve to survive the harshest of landscapes. A plant needs four basic things to survive, water, warmth, light and minerals and any place that can provide even a little of these essential needs, will be colonised byRead More Nitrogen as a Fertilizer, Nutrient, or Pollutant Essay963 Words  | 4 PagesNitrogen as a Fertilizer, Nutrient, or Pollutant Nitrogen can always be a fertilizer, nutrient, or pollutant depending on the circumstances and the environment it is in. As a fertilizer, nitrogen can be extremely useful in aiding the growth of many plants. As a nutrient, nitrogen is essential to many plants growth and survival. As a pollutant, nitrogen can not only affect the plant at the given time but be very detrimental many years down the road. No matter where you go nitrogen will alwaysRead MoreDiscuss the relative importance of physical and human factors in accounting for changes to vegetation over time within ecosystems in the British Isles1623 Words  | 7 Pagesthe succession from progressing any further and the climatic climax vegetation is never achieved, which in the UK are Oak, Hawthorne and Birch trees. This succession results in the development of an ecosystem. An ecosystem is a dynamic, stable environment which is composed of interacting and functioning biotic and abiotic components and can be of any size. The re can be composed of variety of successions, such as lithoseres in grassland and woodland areas for example the Isle of Aaron, psamoseres
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Knowledge Management Life Cycle Free Essays
Executive summary The concept of Knowledge Management comes from the very definition to capture information and content for deriving a value out of it after performing some meaningful operations. The life cycle would contemplate the process of knowledge procurement to final derivation of meaningful information for processing and further integration. The identification of several categories which would act as placeholders for the information must be in right hands equipped with right tools so that appropriate function is performed with it. We will write a custom essay sample on Knowledge Management Life Cycle or any similar topic only for you Order Now Knowledge Management Life cycle The step 1 in this process is the identification of the fact that knowledge is king to any organisation and its evaluation, processing and its implementation must be identified in the proper context so as to capitalize on the resources for its optimum usage. Figure 1 : KM Cycle The first task is the formation of Knowledge Management (KM) teams so that the information falls into the right hands for successful processing. The KM teams are responsible for procurement of the information, after a thorough analysis of the business scenario. It is also decided whether the system is feasible to handle the KM process from its thought generation stage to post evaluation stage. The economic, technical and behavioral feasibility is obtained at the first level. After evaluating costs, schedule the process takes a momentum for further proceeding. The key stakeholders of the system are the crucial components and are the burning fuel for successful proceeding with the project. The second stage is the ‘What’ and ‘How’ of the system, meaning what needs to be done? And how will one do it? The capture of knowledge must be identified and analyzed thoroughly so that everything works out successfully in the initiation phase. The third phase is the process of development. Unless the process is identified accurately, the motive of the KM system remains quite incomplete in nature. What to be processed and the objective for doing it? – the meaning must be quite clear at this level. The processing logic is devised by the expert or a set of experts. The business objectives behind the KM process must be evaluated quite well. The fourth phase would mark the designing of the blueprint which would hold information about the scope of the KM system, its interoperability and scalability issues, required system components and the system design and implementation techniques (Awad, 2001). After the roll of the blueprint the system has got a definition of the exact requirements it desires to cater. The system development is started at this level using a RAD model. After the design is complete the system architecture is set up and all the inputs and outputs are well highlighted through the use of user interface, authentication issues, collaborative agents, application layer, internet layer, and the physical layout of the system (Fan, 2003). After the development phase, the KM system is verified and validated for any errors and defects. After all the stages are over, the final implementation takes the role of implementation where the present legacy system. It requires conversion of the existing system into the new or transferring the essential components into the new KM system. The final stage is user training and feedback mechanism which adds a new dimension to the system and it creates a self learning environment for further incorporating the deficiencies of the dynamic business scenario (McElroy, 1999). A very challenging environment would be to integrate all the systems in the organizations so that information derived from them can be successfully captured for deriving knowledge which would enter a cycle for further derivation of innovative thoughts for the long term success of the business. Conclusion The KM process is quite essential for managing the information in any organization and deriving greater innovative business thoughts from the information flow in the business and its correct representation and identification of resources for growth and prosperity in enveloping challenges. References/Bibliography Fan Yushan (2003). Knowledge Network and Knowledge Management. See: /Year2003/ljq_ICAM03_0312.pdf How to cite Knowledge Management Life Cycle, Essay examples
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Mrs. Sarah Loynd Essay Sample free essay sample
It was an ordinary Friday afternoon. merely like other ordinary afternoons. The Sun was reflecting brilliantly. arousing a longing within me to bask the out-of-doorss. I positioned myself on one of the two wicker sofa chairs. They sat diagonally on the forepart porch. leting the perfect angle for me to enjoy in the daytime. After fidgeting to acquire comfy. I cradled my belly while inserting into myself and allow the twenty-four hours prehend me. Birds chirped high in the trees while a soft air current rustled the foliages. The sun’s rays embraced me like a warm cover. taking me into the purdah of my ain reveries. It was about three o’clock in the afternoon when I was awakened from my sleep by the noise of a black Honda Accord driving up the long cement driveway taking to the garage. My boyfriend’s female parent closed the auto door and began to walk easy toward me. We will write a custom essay sample on Mrs. Sarah Loynd Essay Sample or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page â€Å"Sarah. I need to speak to you. †I knew instantly that this was non traveling to be one of our regular. unworried conversations. Patricia took a place on the dallier beside me. and softly laid a ticking bomb into my custodies. â€Å"I’ve been speaking to Big Dad. and Brennan will lose his trust fund if you are non married before this babe comes. †I can merely conceive of how deformed my face appeared when she said this. Confusion and daze barely described what I felt. I rapidly rearranged my face and regained my calm in order to dissemble the panic that hid in the cavity of my tummy. At that minute. I heard Brennan’s ruddy 1992 z28 Camaro roar aloud as it entered the vicinity. As I waited for him to park his auto. I paced back and Forth in agonising expectancy of his response to his mother’s absurd proclamation. He walked enthusiastically to recognize me with a buss. merely to be welcomed by something else wholly. After sharing such heavy intelligence. his response was rather the antonym of what I expected. â€Å"Sarah. if matrimony is what you want. so that’s what I want excessively. If it’s non. I’ll be right here until it is. †Our babe was due in less than a month. The last thing I wanted to make was to acquire married without a nuptials frock. twenty lbs fleshy and pregnant. My head kept traveling back to my childhood dreams of a perfect ‘fairytale’ marrying with a breathtaking frock. perfect hair and make-up. twinkle places and a fairytale prince. I loved Brennan and wanted to get married him. but the fortunes were all incorrect. But if I waited or refused. Brennan would lose his college fund and his trust fund because of me. My ideas began to rock back and Forth. weighing the pros and cons. He was willing for forfeit his heritage to see my felicity. Possibly this nuptials was non so absurd after all. The following thing I knew. Patricia had called the tribunal office and my nuptials twenty-four hours was set. I had precisely two yearss to acquire ready. Over and over once more. I told myself that this wasn’t existent. It’s merely a legal papers so there is no demand to panic. My nerves began to lessen as I came to footings with the programs already in gesture. Brennan and I chose Kohl’s to shop for our nuptials garb. I tried on a frock. black with an detonation of xanthous flowers. that hung right to my articulatio genuss. It was a far call from the white nuptials frock of my dreams and as I looked in the mirror. a defeated suspiration slipped from my lips. I woke up Sunday forenoon after a really reposeful night’s slumber. We had merely forty- five proceedingss to acquire ready and be at the courthouse for our nuptials. The forenoon vanished as the hours turned into proceedingss and before I knew it. our households and friends had gathered with us and the justice stood before us. The first existent minute of lucidity appeared when I looked into my mother’s eyes as the justice began the ceremonial. Her eyes began to swell with cryings that rapidly overflowed onto her cheeks but she neer looked off from me. Her eyes held mine. unknoting the terror knotted inside of me. I all of a sudden realized that I was beyond terrified. The hot Sun wrapped around me. but I stood frozen. Over and over I reminded myself to take a breath. â€Å"Repeat after me. ‘I. Brennan†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢Ã¢â‚¬ My eyes shifted rapidly to Brennan’s and I could non rupture them off. As he declared his vows. the land beneath me began to tremble and temblor and my custodies clenched his more tightly. His eyes glistened in the sunshine. and my cryings began to fall uncontrollably. I struggled to recover control. but the harder I tried. the faster the cryings fell. The justice directed her attending to me. allowing me know it was my bend. â€Å"I. Sarah. take you. Brennan. †poured from my bosom through my lips with unexpected easiness. As I continued my vows. assurance bit by bit devoured my fri ght. Security began to soothe me as I stood gazing into the eyes of my beloved. The land still and the minute paused. â€Å"I do. â€
Wednesday, April 1, 2020
Donika Hunter Art therapy Essays - Autism, Health, Psychiatry
Donika Hunter GE 3000 *05 Professor Kaplan April 23, 2018 Art therapy and Autism Introduction : Art therapy is widely practiced form of therapy session in which the client uses art as a way of expressing their feelings, developing social skills, reduce anxiety and develop an increase of self-esteem. Art therapy practice requires knowledge of visual art (drawing, painting, sculpture, and other art forms) and the creative process, as well as of human development, psychological, and counseling theories and techniques(AATA). There are several therapies out there to help children manage their disorder, however I find art therapy to be the most effective form of treatment for Autism. Literary Review The American Psychiatric Association (APA) defines autism as: Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a pervasive neurodevelopmental disorder characterized by impairments in social communication and restricted, repetitive patterns of behavior, interests or activities (American Psychiatric Association [APA], 2013). Though present in an early developmental period, impairments may not manifest until later in life, often when demands exceed one's capacities. The notion of the spectrum relates to ASD symptom severity, with its expression ranging from mild to severe, and to some extent with intra-individual variability over time and across contexts. The spectrum also applies characteristic of intellectual functioning and adaptive behavior, which vary tremendously. Rice (2007) stated the current number of children being diagnosed with autism is 1 in every 150 with boys being affected 3 to 4 times more than girls, (Boyd et al., 2010). the prevalence of ASD does not appear to be disproportionally represented across ethnic, racial, or socioeconomic groups. However, Mandell and colleagues' recent work (Mandell, Listerud , Levy, Pinto-Martin, 2002; Mandell, Novak, Zubritsky , 2005; Mandell et al., 2009) indicated that race/ethnicity as well as socioeconomic factors affect the age at which children are diagnosed, with children from minority groups and lower income or rural households often diagnosed at later ages. Autism a spectrum disorder meaning that the severity of each case is on a continuum ranging from high functioning autism to very severe cases (Boyd, Odom, Humphreys, and Sam, 2010). High functioning Autism is like Asperger syndrome in the sense that individuals are more likely to be average or above average in terms of intelligence. They tend to show signs of delay in motor skills, lack of interaction skills and obsessive interest in specific items or information. Low functioning autism is on the other end of the spectrum and these individuals display severe cognitive impairments. ASD has no specific factor that causes its manifestation in children. There are several factors that are linked to the disorder such as developmental, environmental factors and even genetics . Early intervention is essential to helping children cope with their behavior because there is no cure and there is no preventative measure. Art Therapy: Art therapy is an experiential therapy that provides a variety of sensory stimulation in a safe organized environment by offering art materials and techniques (such as paint, crayons, clay,wood , textile, etc.). The art therapist invites the client to experience and express him or herself during the process of creating art. The art shaping stimulates development of ideas, motor skills, task orientation, cause and effect links, spatial insight, shape recognition, the experience of yourself in the space around, and the development of eye contact (Gilroy, 2006; Haeyen , 2011; Hinz , 2009; Malchiodi , 2003). Art therapy is multisensory so the sensory regulations that cause children to become frustrated is no longer an issue a controlled environment with an art therapist. Developmental growth can be achieved by working on age-appropriate art and fine motor skills as well as creating individualized visual tools and art projects that facilitate socialization and communication skills. Integrating art into recreation and leisure activities can mitigate a client's symptoms through developing socially appropriate skills; an art therapy environment can help a child with ASD make this transition much more successfully than an art education environment can. The rich sensory experience of art making as well as its ability to encapsulate and organize complex topics makes art therapy a natural fit for individuals with autism . (Martin 2009) . Art Therapy the most desirable form of treatment for families with Autistic children for a
Sunday, March 8, 2020
Bacteria Relationships - Bacteria and Humans
Bacteria Relationships - Bacteria and Humans Bacteria are all around us and most people only consider these prokaryotic organisms to be disease-causing parasites. While it is true that some bacteria are responsible for a large number of human diseases, others play a vital role in necessary human functions such as digestion. Bacteria also make it possible for certain elements such as carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen to be returned to the atmosphere. These bacteria ensure that the cycle of chemical exchange between organisms and their environment is continuous. Life as we know it would not exist without bacteria to decompose waste and dead organisms, thus playing a key role in the flow of energy in environmental food chains. Are Bacteria Friend or Foe? The decision as to whether bacteria are friend or foe becomes more difficult when both the positive and negative aspects of the relationship between humans and bacteria are considered. There are three types of symbiotic relationships in which humans and bacteria coexist. The types of symbiosis are termed commensalism, mutualism, and parasitism. Symbiotic Relationships Commensalism is a relationship that is beneficial to the bacteria but does not help or harm the host. Most commensal bacteria reside on epithelial surfaces that come in contact with the external environment. They are commonly found on the skin, as well as in the respiratory tract and the gastrointestinal tract. Commensal bacteria acquire nutrients and a place to live and grow from their host. In some instances, commensal bacteria may become pathogenic and cause disease, or they may provide a benefit for the host. In a mutualistic relationship, both the bacteria and the host benefit. For example, there are several kinds of bacteria that live on the skin and inside the mouth, nose, throat, and intestines of humans and animals. These bacteria receive a place to live and feed while keeping other harmful microbes from taking up residence. Bacteria in the digestive system assist in nutrient metabolism, vitamin production, and waste processing. They also aid in the hosts immune system response to pathogenic bacteria. Most of the bacteria that reside within humans are either mutual or commensal. A parasitic relationship is one in which the bacteria benefit while the host is harmed. Pathogenic parasites, which cause disease, do so by resisting the hosts defenses and growing at the expense of the host. These bacteria produce poisonous substances called endotoxins and exotoxins, which are responsible for the symptoms that occur with an illness. Disease-causing bacteria are responsible for a number of diseases including meningitis, pneumonia, tuberculosis, and several types of food-borne diseases. Bacteria: Helpful or Harmful? When all of the facts are considered, bacteria are more helpful than harmful. Humans have exploited bacteria for a wide variety of uses. Such uses include making cheese and butter, decomposing waste in sewage plants, and developing antibiotics. Scientists are even exploring ways for storing data on bacteria. Bacteria are extremely resilient and some are capable of living in the most extreme environments. Bacteria have demonstrated that they are able to survive without us, but we could not live without them.
Thursday, February 20, 2020
Business Report of Coca-cola Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Business Report of Coca-cola - Coursework Example On the other hand, the internal functions of environmental reporting include to establish or revise or review existing environmental policies, objectives, and programs of organizations and to motivate the management and employees in organizations so as to encourage environmental activities of them. There is a general consensus that excellent environment report should explicitly acknowledge and explain environmental impacts that arise as a result of organizations operations and products and should further demonstrate the commitment of organizations to reduce such environmental impacts by publicly disclosing its policies, targets and long-term objectives (ACCA, 2010). This paper explores environmental reporting in companies with Coca Cola as a case study. Environmental Reporting in Coca Cola Company Coca Cola Company is the largest beverage company in the world and it responsible for the production of more than 500 brands of beverages that refreshes its consumers. Coca-Cola Company pro duces sparkling beverages, ready-to-drink coffees, juices ant juice drinks. The most popular and major beverage brands that are produced by the Coca Cola company include Coca-Cola, diet coke, fanta, sprite, coca-cola zero, vitamin water, powerade, minute maid, simply, Georgia and del valle (Coca-Cola-Enterprises., 2012). Coca Cola Company currently operates in more than 200 countries and has established markets across the world. The increasing sensitivity and awareness towards social and environmental issues and the concerns of stakeholders has prompted companies to enhance their images by endeavoring to become better corporate citizens and Coca Cola has not been left out in this trend. It is evident that Coca Cola Company has a wide array of stakeholders who have influence and interests on the company due to its global presence inn terms of market share and operations. Since the stakeholders are diverse and posses different interests and influence, any engagement and interactions t hat Coca Cola Company has with the stakeholders has the potential of shaping its current market share and future investment. The role that such stakeholders play has prompted Coca Cola Company to adopt environmental sustainability reporting as part of its strategic management goals. Another key feature that has caused Coca Cola Company to adopt environmental reporting is the economic, social and environmental impacts that are associated with the operations of the firm (Cross & Miller, 2009). There exist direct and indirect environmental impacts that originate from the operation of Coca Cola Company business. Examples of direct environmental impacts that are associated with Coca Cola business include greenhouse house gas emissions that emanate from the manufacturing site and distribution chain, emissions from cool drinks equipment, consumption of water and waste disposal from manufacturing site (Coca-Cola Company, 2011). The type of environmental reporting Company adopts is based on the guidelines that are given by the United Nations Global Compact framework. Environmental Reporting Strategies and Systems
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Graduate Book Review Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Graduate Book Review - Assignment Example The cover of the work documents the content of the book and what the author aims at portraying to the readers. With a boldly written title and clear subtitles on the themes inside, the reader can easily search for the information required. The main thesis of the work involves the defining what is required by an individual in terms of business innovation, identifying the problem that may hamper innovation, and then defining a solution. The work also indicates that new ideas can be created from existing ones. Creativity is, therefore, key as far as business innovation is concerned. In the first chapter, for example, Murray explains that the first step of business innovation must involve identifying the existing problem or an issue that is to be solved (31-60). It is in the course of business innovation that Murray indicates that there is need to get similar ideas from similar problems that have been existent before (61-62). This means that the business innovator must collect facts from what has been existent before, and then come up with a solution. The next step in business innovation involves connecting all the borrowed ideas and combining them to make a workable idea. In the next step, Murray explains that there is n eed for patience so that the collected ideas can be given time to come up with solutions (101-139). Patience is, therefore, a requirement in business innovation. The fourth step as Murray recommends is the incubation process that allows for the decisions made to come up with a solution (141-176). Next is coming up with an approach that will evaluate the pluses and the weaknesses of the solutions incubated so as to assess if the decisions made were fruitful or not (178-210). Lastly, enhancing is a major step in the course of business innovation (211-255). This step allows for strengthening the strong points of the business idea and eliminating the weak points. Evidently,
Monday, January 27, 2020
The Introduction To Medical Tourism Tourism Essay
The Introduction To Medical Tourism Tourism Essay A patient going to a different country for either urgent or elective medical procedures is called medical tourism. Medical tourism is a term that has risen from the rapid growth of an industry, where people from all around the world are traveling to other countries to obtain medical, dental, and surgical care, while at the same time touring, vacationing, and fully experiencing the attractions of the countries that they are visiting. Medical tourism is next booming sector in India as information technology. Patients going to a different country for either urgent or elective medical procedures are fast becoming a worldwide, multibillion-dollar industry. The reasons patients travel for treatment vary. Many medical tourists from the United States are seeking treatment at a quarter or sometimes even a 10th of the cost at home. From Canada, it is often people who are frustrated by long waiting times. From Great Britain, the patient cant wait for treatment by the National Health Service but also cant afford to see a physician in private practice. For others, becoming a medical tourist is a chance to combine a tropical vacation with elective or plastic surgery. And more patients are coming from poorer countries such as Bangladesh where treatment may not be available. Medical tourism is actually thousands of years old. In ancient Greece, pilgrims and patients came from all over the Mediterranean to the sanctuary of the healing god, Asklepios, at Epidaurus. In Roman Britain, patients took the waters at a shrine at Bath, a practice that continued for 2,000 years. From the 18th century wealthy Europeans travelled to spas from Germany to the Nile. In the 21st century, relatively low-cost jet travel has taken the industry beyond the wealthy and desperate. Countries that actively promote medical tourism include Cuba, Costa Rica, Hungary, India, Israel, Jordan, Lithuania, Malaysia and Thailand. Belgium, Poland and Singapore are now entering the field. South Africa specializes in medical safaris-visit the country for a safari, with a stopover for plastic surgery, a nose job and a chance to see lions and elephants. Health tourism is another name or synonym for medical tourism. However it is sometimes used in the context of wellness, where people are looking to make healthy lifestyle choices such as eating better, practicing yoga or undergoing spa treatments. Medical Travel is another name or synonym for medical tourism. Medical Wellness and Spas Medical Spas and Wellness is sometimes called Health Tourism. Medical Wellness and Medical Spas have become an accepted industry within healthcare. Peoples wellness in general has been seen as a way to heal the body naturally. Many hospitals around the world have started to integrate medical wellness. Sometimes these medical wellness and spa treatments are called complementary or alternative treatments. The mayo clinic recommends for certain people the following forms of medical wellness for cancer patients, Acupuncture, Aromatherapy, Biofeedback, Exercise, Hypnosis, Massage Therapy, Music Therapy, Relaxation, Tai Chi, and Yoga. Medical Packages The health care sector in India has witnessed an enormous growth in infrastructure in the private and voluntary sector. The private sector which was very modest in the early stages has now become a flourishing industry equipped with the most modern state-of-the-art technology at its disposal. It is estimated that 75-80% of health care services and investments in India are now provided by the private sector. An added plus had been that India has one of the largest pharmaceutical industries in the world. It is self sufficient in drug production and exports drugs to more than 180 countries. Bone Marrow Transplant Brain Surgery Cancer Procedures (Oncology) Cardiac Care Cosmetic Surgery Dialysis and Kidney Transplant Drug Rehabilitation Gynecology Obstetrics Health Checkups Internal/Digestive Procedures Joint Replacement Surgery Nuclear Medicine Neurosurgery Trauma Surgery Preventive Health Care Refractive Surgery Osteoporosis Spine Related Urology Vascular surgery 1.2 Medical Tourism in Karnataka Situated in the southern part of India, the state of Karnataka spreads over the Deccan Plateau. At 300 BC., it had formed the southern tip of the Mauryan Empire. Its boundaries enlarged or receded swaying to the drum beats of history today it accounts for a sixteenth area of India has a population of about 45 million. Its language is Kannada its people are known as kannadigas. The three distinct regions are a narrow coastal area along Arabian Sea; high hills, the Western Ghats; sprawling plains towards the east. Karnataka popularly known for Carnatic Music through out the World has given much more to the World than Carnatic Music, a unique form of Classical Music patronized by many across the continents. Karnataka with all its richness in culture and traditional grandeur is also one of the fastest growing states in terms of industries and facilities. Karnataka is also known as the Capital of Agarbathi (Incense Sticks), Arecanut, Silk, Coffee and Sandal Wood. All this is apart fro m the fact that it has been the culture center for hundreds of years and its testimony stands spread across the state pulling millions of tourists from all parts of the world to Karnataka. Karnataka was known as Karunadu (elevated land) in ancient times. It is also believed that the name Karnataka has come from Kari-nadu meaning the land of black soil say the scholars some others hold that Karunadu also means beautiful country; either way the land is celebrated as beautiful throughout its ancient literature. The western strip across the Arabian sea is humid warm in summer, water-soaked in monsoon, profuse with coconut grooves paddy fields criss-crossed by strips of silvery streams sparkling stretches of sand. The hilly uplands of Malanad, One of the wettest regions of the world, where the bamboo flourishes wild areca, teak, rosewood matti are grown. It is also the home of the stately gaur langur. In its southern reaches frequent kheddas are held to capture roaming groups of e lephants. Also the swift deer the deadly tiger, roam animatedly in the forests. The east of the ghats is strikingly bare. This elevated stretch is supposed to be the oldest land on the earth where ancient rocks of earth are seen jutting in out odd shapes. Rivers like Cauvrey, Sharavathi Ghataprabha pass through upgraded valleys resulting in water-falls occasional rapids. 1.2.1 The Capital par excellence The capital par excellence Bangalore today has become an Industrial Metropolis. It is also called Indias science city. Sophisticated industries in the public sector employ thousands and thousands of workers. It is also called the Electronics city because most of the countrys basic electronic industries are based here. It is the fastest growing city in Asia. Aircraft building, telecommunication, aeronautics, machine manufacture, etc., have taken giant strides here. Bangalore was known for its salubrious climate, which however is now being debated because of the accelerated progress of modern industry. It is also called an air-conditioned city and a pensioners paradise. Karnataka is beautiful not only in the eyes of her sons and daughters. She captivates any one who sets eyes on her. It was the great Mauryan Emperor Chandragupta who traversed all the way from Magadha to distant Sravanabelagola to lay his remains in this land before entering the Kingdom of God. The course of Karnatakas history and culture takes us back to pre-historic times. The earliest find of the Stone Age period in India was a hand axe at Lingasugur in Raichur district. The Ashokas rock edicts found in the state indicates that major parts of Northern Karnataka were under the Mauryas. Chandragupta Maurya, the great Indian emperor abdicated the throne and embraced Jainism at Sravanabelagola. Adding new dimensions to the cultural and spiritual ethos of the land, many great dynasties left their imprint upon the aesthetic development of Karnatakas art forms. Prominent among them were the Chalukyas, the Hoysalas and the mighty Vijayanagara Empire. The Chalukyans built some of the very early Hindu temples in India. Aihole turned up as an experimental base for the dynamic creations of architects. The Hoysalas who ruled from the 11th to the 13th century chiseled their way into the pages of glory by building more than 150 temples each one is a masterpiece in its own way. The amazing dexterity and fluidi ty of expressions at Somnathpur, Halebid and Belur open themselves to the wide-eyed wonder in ones eyes. Vijayanagara, the greatest of all medieval Hindu empires and one of the greatest the world over, fostered the development of intellectual pursuits and fine arts. The eye of the pupil has never seen a place like it and the ear of intelligence has never been informed that there existed anything to equal it in the world is what Abdur Razaaq the Persian ambassador had to say about Krishnadevarayas time. The Vijayanagara Empire with its capital at Hampi fell a victim to the marauding army of the Deccan Sultan in 1565 A.D. As a consequence of this, Bijapur became the most important city of the region. This city is a land of monuments and perhaps no other city except Delhi has as many monuments as Bijapur. The Bahmani Shahis and the Adilshahis of Bijapur have played a notable part in the history of Karnataka by their contribution to the field of art and architecture and also by their propagation of Islam in the state. Hyder Ali and his valiant son Tipu Sultan are notable figures in the history of the land. They expanded the Mysore kingdom on an unprecedented scale and by their resistance against the British, became personages of world fame. Tipu was a great scholar and lover of literature. His artistic pursuits were also many and he made rich gifts to the Hindu temples. Tipu Sultan Tiger of Karnataka was killed in 1799 A.D., and the Mysore throne was handed over to the Wodeyars. The wh ole of Karnataka came under the control of the British in the beginning of the 19th century. The new state was named as new Mysore and the Maharaja of Mysore was appointed Governor by Independent India. This unified state was renamed as Karnataka on November 1, 1973. 1.2.2 Karnataka on global medical map Karnataka and especially Bangalore is now an acknowledged global medical destination. This is because of referral quality health services supported by qualified and experienced medical professionals, reputed medical research institutions, well connected for travel, conducive climate and cost of treatment being just one tenth that of global hospitals. Between 2005 end and 2006 August, the state has also witnessed a funding of 445 crore from leading corporate hospitals as a part of the brownfield and green field projects. These include a Rs. 200 crore from the Manipal Health Systems, Rs. 140 crore from Wockhardt Group of Hospitals, Rs. 100 crore from One World Hospital and Healing Centre promoted by Maureen Berlin and Rs. 5 crore by HealthCare Global Enterprises Limited (HCG), a leader in oncology care in the private sector in India. Bangalore has been acknowledged as the city with the highest number of multi speciality medical centres which have successfully treated a large number of international patients. These hospitals have proved the clinical competence and clinical delivery systems, In the last 18 months, there has been a major growth in the healthcare sector in the state. From new hospitals to expansions and partnerships, the healthcare sector is on an upward swing both at the government and private levels, stated the health minister. Under the state governments medical tourism project, six ISO 9000 certified district hospitals strategically located at tourist spots in Mandya, Hubli, Chitradurga, Kolar, Belgaum and the Vani Vilas Hospital in Bangalore are now ready to administer treatment during tourist emergencies. One of the main reasons why patients from the west come here is the long waiting period for a surgery in their country. Hence healthcare in Karnataka is on an expansion mode, stated Vishal Bali, vice president, Wockhardt and president, Confederation of Indian Industry (Healthcare). The state attracts foreign tourists in large numbers right through the year and many of the medical facilities can provide treatment on par with international standards. The team of qualified doctors, paramedics and extremely low treatment costs open up a huge business potential arising out of the difference in the cost of treatment. The ISO processes has helped in putting in place standardized protocols for functioning in a ll the departments of the hospitals in terms of processes and work instructions which are drawn from handling patients from reception to discharge. This has allowed the state to offer medical tourism services, stated Bali. Foreign tourists can cash in on the treatment cost factor which is one tenth lesser than in other countries stated Premachand Sagar, vice chairman and CEO, Sagar Hospital. Bangalore is also known for its leading medical facilities in all disease segments which include cardiac, nephrology, oncology, mental health, neuro care, orthopedics, ophthalmology, general medicine. Hospitals here get patients from Bangladesh, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, the Middle East and several African countries. Patients come here even from the UK and the US, informed Dr. Nagendra Swamy, Manipal Hospital. The hospitals identified for the medical tourism project are A.J Hospital and Research Centre, Bhagwan Mahaveer Jain Hospital, Hosmat Hospital , Mallige Medical Centre, Mallya Hospital, Manipal, Sagar Apollo, St.. Johns Medical College Hospital, Bangalore Institute of Oncology, Bangalore Kidney Foundation, National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro Sciences, Rajan Speech and Healing Centre and Shekar Nethrayalaya. Besides, the International Holistic Health Centre (IIHC), headed by Dr. Issac Mathai. IIHC where its health and medical centre referred to as Soukya a recognised exclus ive world class therapeutic facility which adopts the concept of holistic healing combining all systems of medicine and therapies is also a recognised centre by the Union government. Soukya-India is a full-fledged health and medical facility at Whitefield near Bangalore which is thronged by patients from 42 countries. More hospitals, better services and corporate management have all created more jobs in the healthcare sector in Karnataka not just for doctors, nurses and technicians, but managers, administrators and IT-enabled services as well, stated government sources. For 2006-07, MHS will invest around Rs. 200 crore for setting up new hospitals and acquisitions. In Bangalore, a 300-bed facility will come up in 2009 neat the new international airport at Devanahalli in Yelahanka. This will be a one-of-a-kind Quardinary Care Centre focussing on multiple organ transplant among other specialities. We need to deploy a combination of concepts in healthcare management like mergers, acqui sitions and new investments which is an approach to survive in a high-risk business besides chalk strategies to keep ahead. In terms of bed strength, MHS is the highest in the country with a capacity of 5,000, informed R Basil CEO, Manipal Hospital. Wockhardt Hospitals Group has commissioned its state-of-the-art second hospital in Bangalore which is on the Bannerghatta Road. The multi specialty 400-bed facility with cardiac care, brain spine, bone joint and womens health is expected to touch Rs. 140 crore investment once it is completed. The facility will have the highest intensive care unit of 75 beds. For paediatric cardiology it will become the National Referral Centre with a neonatal ICU of 15-bed. Between the two hospitals in Bangalore, the Group will have 520-bed offering. It will have the latest equipment from medical technology majors like Medtronic, GE Healthcare, Philips and Siemens and with the best medical professionals. A 200 bed One World Hospital and Healing Centre promoted by Maureen Berlin at an investment of over Rs. 100 crore on a 10 acre area within the premises of the leading 1,200 bed missionary medical centre, St. Johns National Academy of Sciences campus. Is expected to be commissioned in late 2007. Thi s is a multi super specialty hospital with eight operation theatres, 44 intensive care unit beds. The treatment and therapy is based on the blended medicine concept proven and tried by Dr. Earl Bakken co-founded Medtronic, Inc. and inventor of the first transistorized cardiac pacemaker and founder, the North Hawaiian Hospital in the Big Islands, Hawaii. Hence the hospital will integrate modern medical practices along with yoga, Pranic healing and Reiki besides aqua-therapy proved by the western healthcare specialists HealthCare Global Enterprises Limited (HCG), a leader in oncology care in the private sector in India, has raised Rs. 5 crore in equity from IDFC Private Equity Fund II, a fund managed by IDFC Private Equity. The funds are to develop a nationwide network dedicated to oncology. Under the first phase of the project which entails an investment of Rs. 1.5 crore , 13 new cancer treatment centres at various locations and expansions to Bangalore Institute of Oncology will be m ade. Besides, PET-CT centre and GMP radiopharmaceutical unit and Central reference laboratory and clinical trials management centre will be set-up, stated Dr. Ajai Kumar, Chairman and Promoter of HCG Enterprises. 1.2.3 Dual Purpose Tourism According to an official from the Karnataka Tourism Department, healthcare in Bangalore came into the limelight when Noor Fatima from Pakistan came to Narayana Hrudayalaya in July 2003, and was operated on by Dr Devi Shetty. After that, there was no looking back for the city. Her surgery was a landmark because not only did it help in thawing the hostility between the two neighbouring countries, but also drastically reversed the table in the medical scenario of the city for the better. Hospitals and corporate establishments in the city have realised the potential of this niche market and have accordingly channelised their needs and facilities. Travel agents and hotels are structuring their packages and holiday schemes in accordance with the inflow of foreign patients coming into the city. Corporate bigwigs like Apollo have collaborated with travel agents to come up with SitaCare in a bid to attract more tourists to the city. Its not just the Indians and the NRIs from the neighbouring countries who are streaming into India for medical treatment. Apart from NRIs, foreign patients mainly come in from the Gulf, Europe (mainly UK) surprisingly from South East Asia and the US. They come to Bangalore with a dual strategy in mind to get their medical treatment at one-third the cost and to explore Bangalore. A spokesperson from Thomas Cook India informs, International patients mainly go to Coorg, Mysore, Hampi, Ketur, Belgaum and Bagalkot. In the long run, they add to the foreign exchange of the country. The idea is to kill two birds with one stone. 1.2.4 Bangalore as a destination From being a global outsourcing centre, Bangalore has now become a health giver to the world. Medical tourism as a phenomenon is only eight to ten years old in the city. Compared to metros like Mumbai and Chennai, Bangalore was a late starter in the race. However, considering the entrepreneurial spirit of the city, it has caught up. Today, the city aims to become the numero uno in attracting foreign patients from all across the world. So the question is, why Bangalore? How has it managed to emerge as the hot seat for healthcare both for domestic and for offshore patients? Experts point out myriad reasons. Dr Kishore Murthy, CEO, Hosmat Hospital explains, Bangalore is a well-known brand in the world. It is a knowledge city, has the top hospitals and also offers pleasant weather for patients coming here for treatment. Vishal Bali, CEO, Wockhardt Hospitals echoes, Bangalore has a tremendous impact in the world. Today, people abroad associate India with Bangalore. There is a lot of new h ealth infrastructure. Courtesy the IT industry it is known as the knowledge hub and the hospitals here are internationally acclaimed. According to a spokesperson from Manipal Hospital, The weather of Bangalore is perhaps the biggest factor for foreign patients coming into the city. It suits almost all patients. Patients say that unlike other cities, they are extremely comfortable with the weather here. Vittal Murthy, Secretary, Kannada Culture Information and Tourism throws light on another aspect. Bangalore has always been the hub for healthcare since the British era. Now, it has become the centre of attraction primarily because of the large number of top hospitals in the city and the innumerable medical institutes and colleges. Hence, the number of medical experts and professionals are also increasing by the day. Another source from Karnataka Government Tourism points out, Most of the hospitals in Bangalore have capitalised on the growth of the floating population and the growth o f the income bracket. Additionally, holistic health centres in the city also offer alternate systems of therapy like yoga, Art of Living courses and Ayurvedic therapies. Moreover, most experts from the industry acknowledge the fact that the cost of surgeries like cardiac surgeries, cancer treatment or an orthopaedic surgery is one-third the cost charged in developed countries like the US or the UK. There is also a close nexus between technology and the healthcare sector in Bangalore. There have been cases in our hospital where a patient had not been diagnosed of a particular disease abroad but when they came here their disease was detected, adds the same spokesperson from Manipal. Online appointments with doctors and specialists have made treatment easier and the waiting period for patients has considerably reduced. This in turn has led to an inflow of foreign patients into the city, informs HOSMATs Dr Murthy. The concept of telemedicine is being used on a large scale by hospitals s uch as Manipal and Narayana Hrudayalaya. Resumes of doctors are displayed online so that international patients can choose their doctors. 1.2.5 International Collaboration Internationally-acclaimed doctors and specialists choose to venture out in this city-this is yet another feather in the cap for the city, which till date was only associated with IT. This is not all. Hospitals are having tie ups with internationally acclaimed medical brands. Bali adds, Perhaps the plus point for Wockhardt is its association with Harvard Medical International (HMI), which has a reputation across the world for the quality services rendered to its patients. This in turn has led to more foreign patients coming into our hospital. International patients are very discerning. Before venturing out for treatment to another country, they see to it that they are well informed and not kept in the dark. At the end of the day, patients are always on the look out for quality services, and that is exactly what hospitals in Bangalore are aiming to achieve-to strike the perfect equilibrium between quality and quantity. 1.2.6 Different Strokes for Different Folks Different hospitals adopt different strategies to attract overseas patients. Sagar Apollo Hospital, for instance, has systematically planned its strategies. We have standardized almost all protocols in terms of smoother licensing with international system of integrated health-oriented value additions, holistic health solutions as well as conceptual health-oriented options. For instance, we have started with a system of cashless payment with providers and working on a new concept healthcare focusing not only on the highest international standard healthcare but also on integrated health and hospitality snergy where the services are not just promoted as a package. It is rather positioned as an effort to highlight Bangalore as just not a medical hub but as a place which in technology travellers in taking their healthcare beyond boundaries at their personal standards. Hospitals in Bangalore are now providing the services usually provided by a five-star hotel. Accommodation in hotels, whic h is usually a herculean task for foreign patients, is provided both for the relatives as well as the patients. HOSMAT Hospital even has a building within its campus to accommodate relatives of patients. Airport drops and pick-ups for patients and relatives are all rendered by the hospitality division of the hospital. Most of the hospitals have come up with a travel desk to cater to foreign patients and their relatives. Manipal Hospital, for instance, has an International Patient Care Centre. Additionally, a lot of emphasis is laid on the infrastructure of their hospital. Manipal, for example, has specially designed delux rooms, with posh dà ©cor and offers myriad facilities like pantry service and a wireless Internet connection. HOSMAT Hospital is coming up with two floors in its premises dedicated to international patients. These two floors alone have around 80-100 beds. This is indicative of the growing realisation about promoting medical tourism in the city. 1.2.7 Government Does Its Bit Apparently the Karnataka Government is taking a slew of initiatives in promoting medical tourism in the state. An expert says, Not just the Karnataka Government, but State Governments all across the country are realising the potential and the benefits that can come about through medical tourism. Most experts from the industry have acknowledged the fact that the State Government is supportive and enthusiastic in promoting medical tourism in the city in particular and the State as a whole Commissioner, Department of Tourism, Karnataka, states, We have regular annual meets wherein we talk with the medical industry on a one-to-one basis. We do have plans to form a council of the medical community, but it is in a nascent stage as of now. The Karnataka government right now is working in a meticulous manner. They first conduct research to study key players in the field, which include not just the top hospitals but travel agents and consulates in the city. Their performance over the year is reviewed and simultaneously suggestions are taken. Consulates and travel agents have their networks abroad. So, it is easier for us to have international conferences and contacts, adds Tourism commissioner. Vittal Murthy also gives an interesting bit of information. After the advent of the IT industry in Bangalore, the IT park was opened up. On similar lines, with the advent of the healthcare industry here, we are contemplating opening up a health park. However, the endeavour is still in its ideation stage and will take some time before it takes shape. The Government also holds health tourism expos. A recent one was held at Bahrain. Such meets are a platform for the Government to meet international experts from the medical fraternity and brief them about the competence of Indian healthcare industry. Its not just the State Government which is putting in a lot of interest. The Central Government, realising the potential of this sector, has come up with a national agenda and is holding tourism trade fairs at regular intervals around the year. This has given new impetus to medical tourism. Naik diplomatically adds, We are open to anything that will promote medical tourism. Ultimately, it is the doctors and experts from the medical fraternity who are responsible for the boom of medical tourism in the city. This remark is indeed a testimony to the positive nexus of private healthcare with the government. 1.2.8 Travel Reaps the Fruits It is not just the hospitals which are grabbing the limelight. Travel agents and hotels are cashing in on the situation and are coming up with schemes and packages to attract foreign patients to the city. They are gradually realising that immense benefits can be reaped. The Leela Palaces and Resorts, Bangalore, which purely caters to the corporate class, have now decided to spread its wings according to the change in times and trends. The five-star hotel group has decided to tie up with Manipal Hospital. Nitienaa Arif, Head- PR and Communications, Leela Palaces, Bangalore mentions, We are a business hotel, but understanding the need for medical tourism in the city, we have tied up with Manipal. Everything is in the processing stage. This is not all. The five-star hotel has also joined hands with Globe Health Tours. Air Travel Enterprises (ATE) also offers a whole lot of packages to foreign patients. EM Najeeb, Chairman and Managing Director, ATE, points out, We offer packages for car diac surgery, plastic surgery, dental surgery, Ayurveda and orthopaedic surgeries. In addition to this, ATE has a meticulous plan chalked out. We first identify patients who want medical treatment in this part of the country. We then recommend them to hospitals. Their arrival, departure and accommodation are all handled by us. An important point to remember is that the role of travel agents and hotels is only in its elementary stage. Purnima Castelino-Dabreo, Public Relations Executive, Taj Hotels Resorts and Palaces, Bangalore, states, Medical tourism is in a nascent stage, but we are looking at cultivating it as a potential segment. The opening of the international airport in the city has attracted the attention of not just the tourists but even players in the hotel industry. Altogether, there are 39 projects coming up in the city. This, in the long run can eradicate problems of accommodation in the city. It will take some time before these agents become one of the major forces in promoting healthcare in Bangalore. Vigilance and patience are the keywords-perhaps the means to achieve that end. 1.2.9 Hurdles to Overcome The grass always looks greener on the other side of the fence. But the fact remains that for any upcoming trend, the journey is not smooth sailing. There are always two sides to any story. As of now, the major obstacle that might hamper the growth of this promising trend is the unsystematic infrastructure of the city. Due to increase in the floating population, the roads are congested and traffic snarls have become the order of the day. Hene, commuting in the city has become a major problem. Paucity of hotel accommodation within the city for patients and relatives also poses an obstacle for international patients coming to the city. Despite an increase in service flats and a boom in the real estate business, there is no change in the problem. International flights have commenced in Bangalore, but there is connectivity only to a few countries. Bali points out, The first impression is lasting in the mind of a person visiting Bangalore for the first time. International patients in parti cular get dismayed at the appalling conditions of Bangalores infrastructure in contrast to the plush dà ©cor of the hospitals. Daniel gives another interesting aspect, In case of medical evacuationswhere patients have to be airlifted, at least eight seats have to be reserved. Most of the time, this is not possible. Moreover, a lot of money is required to transport the doctor, the attendants the patients and their relatives. 1.2.10 Possible Solutions Government officials have chalked out a solution to this problem. In another one to one and a half years, the international airport in Bangalore will have connectivity with almost all the major countries across the globe, predicts Murthy. He further adds, We are also coming up with a Metro Rail Project and five townships in the city to ease congestion. There are plans to launch air ambulances and helipads to facilitate easy transport of patients from other countries. And as far as the problem of accommodation is concerned, most hospitals are coming up with accommodation within their premises for patients as well as t
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Cultural Purity and the Refute of the Inevitable Momentum :: essays papers
Cultural Purity and the Refute of the Inevitable Momentum In the introduction to â€Å"The Pure Products Go Crazy,†James Clifford offers a poem by William Carlos Williams about a housekeeper of his named Elsie. This girl is of mixed blood, with a divided common ancestry, and no real collective roots to trace. Williams begins to make the observation that this is the direction that the world is moving in, as Clifford puts itâ€â€Ã¢â‚¬Å"an inevitable momentum.†Clifford believes in that, â€Å"in an interconnected world, one is always to varying degrees, ‘inauthentic.’†In making this statement, Clifford is perhaps only partially accurate. In the western hemisphere, where Williams was located, perhaps it can be said directly that the influence of modern society has attributed to the lack of general ancestry, as one culture after another has blended with the next. Perhaps it can be said as well that, as Clifford puts it, â€Å"there seem no distant places left on the planet where the presence of Ã¢â‚¬Ë œmodern’ products, media, and power cannot be felt†(Clifford, 14). The intention of this paper is to contend first that there is essentially such a thing as â€Å"pure†culture, and contrary to Clifford’s belief, that there are â€Å"pure†unblended cultures that remain (while not altogether untouched by foreign influence), natural within themselves. It will be argued as well that the influence of modern society does not necessarily lead to a loss of cultural soundness itself, but rather that a presence of certain cultural practices within the respective cultures has attributed to the lasting â€Å"purity†of certain cultures. In this case, we will be discussing the cultures that exist in Haiti and Bali. To address the first part of my argument, we fist must take in hand what exactly is this â€Å"pure†culture that has been mentioned thus far. Clifford believes that cultures, for the sake of the argument being made can be said to be impure cultures, â€Å"have had to reckon with the forces of ‘progress’ and ‘national’ unification,†and that essentially this has led to â€Å"many traditions, languages, cosmologies, and values [being] lost, some literally murdered†(Clifford, 16). He argues that inevitably, all cultures either will, or have experienced this, and in the end have transformed into an alternate version of themselves. I propose that a â€Å"pure†culture is one that has either not had to deal with such circumstances, or has dealt with outside influences, without altering what is wholly exclusive about itself.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Corporation, Partnership, or Sole Proprietorship?ÂÂ
Corporation, partnership, or sole proprietorship? Now that you have decided to start your own business, you will have to determine what business structure or form of organization suits your needs. The structure of your business will depend on whether you want to run your business yourself or with a partner or associates. There are four types of business structures: sole proprietorships, partnerships, corporations and cooperatives. On this page: 1. 1. Sole proprietorship 2. 2. Partnerships 3. 3. Corporations 4. 4. Cooperatives 1. Sole proprietorship^TopWith this type of business organization, you would be fully responsible for all debts and obligations related to your business and all profits would be yours alone to keep. As a sole owner of the business, a creditor can make a claim against your personal or business assets to pay off any debt. Advantages: * Easy and inexpensive to form a sole proprietorship (you will only need to register your business name provincially, except in N ewfoundland and Labrador) * Relatively low cost to start your business * Lowest amount of regulatory burden * Direct control of decision making Minimal working capital required to start-up * Tax advantages if your business is not doing well, for example, deducting your losses from your personal income, lower tax bracket when profits are low, and so on * All profits will go to you directly Disadvantages: * Unlimited liability (if you have business debts, personal assets would be used to pay off the debt) * Income would be taxable at your personal rate and, if your business is profitable, this may put you in a higher tax bracket * Lack of continuity for your business, if you need to be absent * Difficulty raising capital on your own 2.Partnerships^Top A partnership would be a good business structure if you want to carry on a business with a partner and you do not wish to incorporate your business. With a partnership, you would combine your financial resources with your partner into th e business. You can establish the terms of your business with your partner and protect yourself in case of a disagreement or dissolution by drawing up a specific business agreement. As a partner, you would share in the profits of your business according to the terms of your agreement. You may also be interested in a limited liability partnership in the business.This means that you would not take part in the control or management of the business, but would be liable for debts to a specified extent only. When establishing a partnership, you should have a partnership agreement drawn up with the assistance of a lawyer, to ensure that: * You are protecting your interests * That you have clearly established the terms of the partnership with regards to issues like profit sharing, dissolving the partnership, and more * That you meet the legal requirements for a limited partnership (if applicable) Advantages: Easy to start-up a partnership * Start-up costs would be shared equally with you an d your partner * Equal share in the management, profits and assets * Tax advantage, if income from the partnership is low or loses money (you and your partner include your share of the partnership in your individual tax return) Disadvantages: * Similar to sole proprietorship, as there is no legal difference between you and your business * Unlimited liability (if you have business debts, personal assets would be used to pay off the debt) * Hard to find a suitable partner Possible development of conflict between you and your partner * You are held financially responsible for business decisions made by your partner (for example, contracts that are broken) 3. Corporations^Top Another business structure is to incorporate your business. This can be done at the federal or provincial level. When you incorporate your business, it is considered to be a legal entity that is separate from the owners and shareholders. As a shareholder of a corporation, you will not be personally liable for the d ebts, obligations or acts of the corporation.When making such decisions, it is always wise to seek legal advice before incorporating. Advantages: * Limited liability * Ownership is transferable * Continuous existence * Separate legal entity * Easier to raise capital * Possible tax advantage as taxes may be lower for an incorporated business Disadvantages: * A corporation is closely regulated * More expensive to incorporate than a partnership or sole proprietorship * Extensive corporate records required, including shareholder and director meetings, and documentation filed annually with the government * Possible conflict between shareholders and directors Possible problem with residency of directors More information: To learn more about incorporation, please consult the following information: * Guide to Federal Incorporation Step by step guidelines to help you incorporate your business and set up an appropriate structure. Provincial or territorial incorporation Alberta * Corporate Registry To conduct business in Alberta, register your cooperative, corporation, extra-provincial company, non-profit company, society, trade name and/or partnership. Manitoba * Companies Office – Business name registration and provincial ncorporation (Manitoba) How do you register your business, and what do you need to know about provincial incorporation? New Brunswick * Incorporation / Registration of a business Find out about the rules, procedures and fees for registering a provincial corporation in New Brunswick. * Incorporation of non-profit companies (New Brunswick) Find out about the rules, procedures and fees for incorporating a not-for-profit company in New Brunswick. Newfoundland and Labrador * Registry of Companies (Newfoundland and Labrador)In Newfoundland and Labrador, you must register with the Registry of Companies if you decide to incorporate provincially. Northwest Territories * Corporate Registry  Co-operative Associations Are you looking to establis h and incorporate a co-operative within the Northwest Territories? Find out the rules pertaining to starting your venture and what is needed to remain compliant with the law. * Corporate Registry  Business Corporations Are you looking to incorporate your business? Find out how you can register to do business in the Northwest Territories. Corporate Registry  Societies Are you interested in starting a society or non-profit organization? Find out the benefits of incorporation and what you are required to do at the territorial and federal levels. Nova Scotia * Business incorporation and registration (Nova Scotia) Incorporate your business provincially through the Nova Scotia Registry of Joint Stock Companies. Nunavut * Business corporations  Territorial corporations – (Nunavut) Find out how to incorporate as a territorial business in Nunavut. Ontario * Ontario Business IncorporationIncorporate your Ontario business online, in person, or by mail. * Professi onal corporations Find out how you can incorporate your practice in Ontario for specific regulated professions. * Correcting errors on your Ontario corporation documents You can ask to have errors corrected in documents you have filed for your Ontario corporation. * Making changes to your corporate information Find out how to make changes to the information about your Ontario corporation, including its name, address and number of directors. * How to merge Ontario corporationsDo you have two or more active Ontario business corporations that you would like to merge? * Involuntary dissolution of Ontario business corporations Your corporation can be dissolved or cancelled if it has failed to comply with specific rules and regulations. * Reviving your corporation You may be able to revive your Ontario corporation if it was involuntarily dissolved within the past 20 years. * Incorporation (Not-for-Profit Corporations) You can incorporate your not-for-profit organization provincially with the Government of Ontario. Making Changes to Your Ontario Not-for-Profit Corporation Find out how to make changes to the information about your Ontario not-for-profit corporation. * Reviving your Ontario not-for-profit corporation You can restart your previously cancelled Ontario not-for-profit corporation by filing an Application for Revival. Quebec * Incorporate a business (Quebec) Learn the steps to incorporate your business in Quebec, especially the forms to be filled out and the application process. Saskatchewan * Incorporating Your Business in SaskatchewanFind out how to incorporate your business in Saskatchewan, including the fees, the forms required and the turn-around time. * Forming a Non-Profit Corporation in Saskatchewan Find out how to register your non-profit corporation in Saskatchewan, including the fees, the forms required and the turn-around time. 4. Cooperatives^Top The last business structure you could create is a cooperative. With a cooperative, you would have a business that would be owned by an association of members. This is the least common form of business, but can be ppropriate in situations where a group of persons or businesses decide to pool their resources to provide access to common needs, such as the delivery of products or services, the sale of products or services, employment, and more. Advantages: * Owned and controlled by members * Democratic control (one member, one vote) * Limited liability * Profit distribution Disadvantages: * Possible conflict between members * Longer decision-making process * Participation of members needed for success * Extensive record keeping * Less incentive to invest additional capital
Friday, January 3, 2020
Similarities Between Genesis And Numbers - 1119 Words
â€Å"You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives.†(Genesis 50:20). This is a Bible verse found in the first five books of the Bible, otherwise known as the Pentateuch. Each of these five books (Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy) all have similarities and differences between each other. More specifically, we can see this between the first and fourth book. Genesis and Numbers have both similarities and differences in not only the obvious discussions but also in their themes and purposes. One of the first similarities found between the two books is the act of blessing and curses. In Genesis 12:3 we read this: â€Å"I will bless those who bless you, and†¦show more content†¦The last similarity that was found between the two was the mention and faithfulness of God with His covenant between Him and Abraham. In Genesis 15, the covenant between Abraham and God is presented and made. This is seen throughout the rest of the Pentateuch. Specifically, in Numbers we see multiple times the people fail to obey God and face the consequences, but God always remained faithful. With these three similarities in mind, however, there is a fair share of differences by their side. One of the first and more prominent or obvious differences between Genesis and Numbers is the overall stories that are told. In Genesis, we get the story of creation, the fall, and going forth stories of the people God worked with; such as Noah or Abraham. In Numbers, however, we get the census and the rebellion and wilderness. These aren’t only representations of the differences between the overall stories, but also the undergoing themes. Each book has the underlining themes, all different and unique, even if categorized under a certain ‘section’ of the Bible. The themes of Genesis are beginnings, disobedience, sin, promises, obedience, prosperity, and Israel. In Genesis 1, we see the first theme. Then with the fall of man, the next two are shown. Promises are then made, for example God promises to Noah that he will never flood the whole earth again. We also see promises in the covenants made, which leads onto the obedience and prosperity thatShow MoreRelatedThe Book of Genesis vs. the Epic of Gilgamesh1029 Words  | 5 PagesTwo Different Books with Similar Stories The Book of Genesis and The Epic of Gilgamesh have many clear similarities. One major, noticeable similarity is that in both stories, there are flood legends. There is the legend of Noah and the Ark in The Book of Genesis and the story of Utnapishtim in The Epic of Gilgamesh. 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