Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Teamwork Analysis Essay - 1697 Words
Teamwork Analysis Abstract The purpose of this assignment is for each learning team to apply what team members are learning about successful teams to an in-depth analysis of itself. As teams go through development stages, the members learn how people feel about themselves and what the content of the task that is to be accomplished, based on each stage that is achieved. Describe the process your team has used to form, storm, norm, and perform. At this point, where do you believe your team is in the team formation process? Team A was initially formed by our professor, and everyone had their anxieties and questions about the other members. After the team was formed, a Team†¦show more content†¦The issue went through a resolution process to fix the problem. Another team member took the initiative and reposted the assignment after it was edited, formatted, and team approved. We moved forward as a team, and were able to refocus our goals, using our Team Charter as a guideline. Team A successfully arrived at the next stage of team development, which is norming. The concept of norming is described in an article by Caouette and O’Connor (1998) as â€Å"Stage III (norming) includes the emergence of group cohesion and harmony. The group begins to develop into a functioning unit. The task side exhibits open dialog among members, sharing of information, and generating alternative options and choices.†Support of each other is the overall outcome that has been achieved by Team A, as we have adjusted to each other. We have learned that each of us has our own personal issues, whether they are family, work, or travel, and that we may not be able to respond as quickly as others. Performing is the next stage of team development where a team should work interdependently, share leadership, show support of completing tasks, and perform substantive work. Team A has just reached this stage and still has more maturing as a team to fulfill the overall success of this stage. 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